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Wolfpack Volleyball 

We are excited to be entering our third year of Wolfpack Volleyball for the 2024-2025 Club Season. Our hope is to develop athletes who are strong, confident individuals that are able to work together; as most of their success and dominance will come from working as a team (as a pack). As a unit, the players at Wolfpack Volleyball will develop a sense of belonging and a devotion to the game of volleyball. 

Wolfpack Volleyball will be housed at the Wolves Den Sports Complex in Pembroke, Mass. We offer five indoor volleyball courts and three outdoor beach courts. We will offer a high level of training with dedicated and talented coaches. We plan to help players reach their club volleyball goals while training them to succeed on their local town teams.  As coaches we want to be successful on the court but we are also here to see our pack succeed in the real world. We want every athlete to learn the game of volleyball, learn real life lessons, and grow as a member of society.

Club Coaches Wanted

Are you interested in coaching for Wolfpack Volleyball? We are looking for energetic and positive coaches to add to our staff! Coaching is such a great opportunity to help improve the next generation of volleyball players. 

February School Vacation Clinic

Little Spikers Clinic:

Dates: February 18th-20th 
Days: Tuesday– Thursday
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Ages- 7-11
Cost: $125      
Level: Beginners

A fun way for your young athlete to be introduced to the sport of volleyball.  This clinic is designed for beginners, ages 7–11. We will have a fun and supportive environment to build basic skills, improve coordination, and enjoy the game. 

With encouraging coaches and engaging drills, athletes will learn volleyball fundamentals while making friends and discovering teamwork.


Want Apparel? Order Here!

Check out our apparel website to order today!

The WolvesDen Sports Complex
340 Oak St, Pembroke, MA 02359

The Wolves Den in Pembroke, Ma

South Shore Wolfpack Volleyball Club Director

Emily Adams

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